Wednesday, November 27, 2019

buy custom Common Sense Solutions essay

buy custom Common Sense Solutions essay The art of effective writing and speaking is called rhetoric. Rhetoric also refers to the art of persuasion in written or spoken work. This document gives a rhetorical analysis of Herman Cain Common Sense Solutions for America speech on May 21, 2011 at Olympic Centennial Park Atlanta, Georgia. Through history, rhetoric has had many definitions but has maintained its characteristics. A thorough rhetoric analysis helps a speech analyzer to perceive the oral use of language and enhances proficiency in applying language resources in their own speaking, writing. It also enables one to grasp the intentions of the speech giver(Myers, 2011). To discern how language is being used and how it is working in others piece of work, either in spoken or written speeches, it is necessary to artificially divide form and content of what is being said and how it is being said. Basically, rhetoric attentively examines the language in terms of methods and means of communication. Aristotle defined rhetoric as the ability to see every available means of persuasion in each particular case or situation. He explained the three main forms of rhetoric as ethos, logos and pathos. These three are important aspects of understanding and analyzing the rhetoric perspective of a speech. Rhetoric is a comprehensive art as set forth from antiquity. At times, it has been lived down to its critics. However, its concern on what one need to say and how he needs to say it remains indivisible in its own definition. How something is said by somebody conveys as much message as what it is said. Rhetoric examines language effectiveness, and its comprehensively. This is inclusive of its emotional impact, referred to as pathos, and its propositional contents, also referred to as the logos. A close examination to Herman Cains speech shows how effective use of pathos and logos, and other rhetoric devices, has made his speech for presidential bid for 2012 one of the most persuading speeches by Americas presidential candidates. Who/what speech/theory Harman Cain is a scholar with a number of honorary degrees from different universities across United States. Being a black American, Cain accounts his experience and states that America is his nation he was born in and grew up in. through this speech, Herman shows his patriotism to America as his nation, and also declares his faith in the citizens of the United States. In this speech, Cains address a crowd at the Olympic Centennial Park this has increased his popularity across America. In this speech, Herman declared his interests to run for the top seat in the United States and declares his vision, he further refers the vision not to be his own, a vision for the Americans I dont call it my vision, my job as the leader is to define it, key it up, share it with you; it becomes our vision. This way, he makes the audience own up the task ahead therefore attracting their attention, as part of his bid for America presidency. Thesis and preview A close examination to Herman Cains speech shows how effective use of pathos and logos, and other rhetoric devices, has made his speech for presidential bid for 2012 one of the most persuading speeches by Americas presidential candidates. Based on his ability to perceive his audience, Cain is a speaker so much interested in persuading his audience and has well considered the three rhetoric proofs including ethical, logical and emotional impacts. In this particular speech, his audience is his key point of persuasion using rhetorical syllogism which leaves his audience to fill in missing pieces of his speech. In his cognitive response model, Cain message promotes attitude change towards contagious issues like reviving American economy faster by having a bolder, and a more direct stimulus policy. He has criticized the current administration stimulus plan as a spending bill instead of being meaningful in designing meaningful stimulus through permanent tax cuts. This way, his message indirectly influences attitude change(Long, 2004). His way of thinking and speech delivery attracts American citizens (who are his audience) attention and provokes their way of thinking. This is achieved through being very specific to his ideas and speaking his mind clearly and effectively. He catches Americans attention through communicating obvious ideas in a new way, and also being realistic and practical. This provides new information, knowledge, arguments, ideas, and appeals most contagious issues regarding America in his speech straight to the point. This way, the message induces, encourages, instigates, assists, facilitates, cultivates and promotes persuasion. II. The Rhetorical Theory In his definition, Aristotle defines rhetoric as the faculty of observing the available means of persuasion in any given case. Rhetoric has never been declared as a faculty of observing the availability of interpreting and reacting to the persuasive message in any given case. Rhetoric mainly focuses on the making of a good skilled speaker not on a good and excellent listener. Traditional rhetoric theories have also focused on great orators rather than good listeners although traditionally, it had no focus on great auditors. Although in further communication studies, good listening skills are also considered in details. Rhetoric theories main focus is on message production and how to invent a more persuading messagebut not on message reception or how effective the audience is. Basically, rhetoric theory the audience is allocated the role of the target, the obstacle or as the means to the rhetors end. Even the traditional rhetorical theory was designed for orators but not their audience. The term rhetoric was first coined by the ancient Greeks. This was aimed at identifying crucial political skills of effective public speaker. Since then, there have been numerous theories defining what rhetoric really is, how it works, what it means to human social-political interaction, and why it works. For more than two thousand years in history, a scholar named James Berlin came up with the most reliable classification of diverse rhetoric theories. In every speech we make, we involve rhetorics in a number of ways. This indicates that we are always engaging in social political actions with, for or against others. According to berlin, rhetoric has at its base a conception of reality, of language and of human nature. In other terms, it is grounded in a noetic field; as a closed system of defining what can be known, and what cannot be known. This also includes the nature of the knower, the nature of the knower and the relationship between the knower and what is known. He also noted out that rhetoric also involve the audience, and the nature of the language. This clearly shows that rhetoric is implicate in almost all social attempts. In actual sense, it is at the center of every cultural activity (James, 2004). This enables us to look at rhetoric of a given society and judge on who may speak, how they may speak, who listens, how they are likely to speak, and the types of languages features and the arguments deemed persuasive(Cline, 2011). According to Berlin, rhetorics can be classified based on ontology and epistemology. He based rhetorics on objective theories, subjective theories and transactional theories. Objective theories are based on positivistic epistemology. This theory asserts that the real is located in the material world. In this perspective, only which can be justified using tangible data, exhibits and statistics can be perceived to be real. The speakers major responsibility is to record this reality exactly as it has been experienced into the mind of the audience. The language used in this is the sign system to record what exists apart from the verbal. Truth is determined through the inductive method, through collecting sense data and arriving at conclusive generalizations. There are no longer concerns with the probabilistic nature of the values in political, legal and social spheres. In this specific speech, Harman opening remarks creates suspense when he declares that his aunt is in attendance, but she has not decided on whether to vote for her nephew. He further assures them that by the end of his speech, he will have convinced her beyond any reasonable doubt that he (Herman) is the best candidate for the top job in America Herman describes America as a nation in crisis; he states that America is in moral crises, economic crises, entitlement spending crises, immigration crises, foggy affair crises, and refers to the white house leadership as deficient(, 2011). The most frequent applause throughout his speech shows how well convinced his audience is. Artifact/context (rhetorical situation) Exigencies In rhetoric, an exigency is an issue, problem, or situation that causes or prompts someone to write or speak. In Cains case the fact that there are unexploited avenues to solving the economic crises is what is driving him to address his audience with confidence that he can practically employ these methods in solving them. Audience Rhetorical oriented discourse is composed with the end receivers in mind. The audience is considered to be the recipient of the rhetorical composition. In this analysis, rhetoric takes to account how the audience shapes the composition of the message or responds to it. The relationship between the audience and the settings or the occasion depends on the genre of oratory were carried out. Theorists have also considered multiple audiences on which the speech is aimed at. The primary audience refers to the members directly addressed by the speaker. Other audience refers to the group of people likely to read from written records of the same speech which may be translated in some instances. Emphasizing on the audience is contradicting to the philosophical rhetoric dimension that discourses orienting itself to the truth rather than the doxa or the opinion of the misinformed public Harman Cains response to his audience on the crises facing the Obama administration have little to do with his approach to the methods he promised to use in order to solve the problem(, 2011). However, this comparison is very important in attracting the audience attention. His aim was to create confidence with the voter so as to secure his or her vote if indeed he will represent himself as a republican presidential candidate. Harmans intent was to create an ethos of confidence in the face of his friendly audience. This way he incites the public to follow his ideologies(Myers, 2011). Any person reading this speech would interpret his arguments and rhetoric in light of the broader populace whom he was addressing. Constraints In rhetoric, constraints are those factors that restrict the persuasive opportunities or strategies available to the speaker or a speech writer. These constrains consist of events, objects, relations or persons who are part of the rhetoric situation. This is because all these are in a possition to constrain an action or a decision. Sources of constrains include beliefs, documents, attitude, tradition, facts, image, and motives among others(Webster, 2011). From point of view, Harman Cains stand on foreign issues is made clear, he declares the Obama administration as one thet has failed greatly in identifying Americas friends and, maintaining a good relationship. His example includes Israel, a long time America friend in terms of foreign trade, military power and war on terror. He states that the relationship between America and Israel has deteriorated with time, and he is in a good position to fix it. Although his critics say that he inexperienced in foreign affairs, he uses a simple example in laymans language, know your friends. III. Analysis Persuasive appeals/ modes of persuasion Ethos Ethos describes a characters persuasive appeal. This means that, it shows how a character is established in terms of speech or discourse. According to Aristotle each character should be able to portray his/her knowledge concerning a certain subject. In classical oratory the commencement of a speech should establish the orators credibility with the audience. The classical oratory argument was brought about by Cicero. In Harman Cains speech, he begins with defining American economy as one in crisis. For his well-known fame as a scholar, he defines Obamas administration as one composed of inexperienced officers in the private sector. This tactic establishes his ethos because the audience is forced to acknowledge that he is the most favorable candidate for the presidential race. His entire speech, Harman attempts to increase his popularity in his attempt to increase the respectability of the ethos of politics, which is largely achieved by tying his ambition to his academic qualifications and also his rich resume(, 2011). Logos Logos is used to describe the appeal to reason. According to Aristotle any communication should be made only through this appeal, this though does not happen due to the weakness of the humanity and thus we end up using ethos and pathos appeals(Long, 2004). The term logo has other meanings and is usually used for oration. Herman describes himself as the son of a chauffeur and a domestic worker. This statement reflects not only pure concision but also his simple logical preparedness. This is aimed at convincing his audience that he is the most humble, real, and ideal presidential candidate. He describes himself as an experienced and educated man who will only involve the elites in his administration. In his context, there is no space for the clouds of emotion in this straight forward speech. This qualifies his speech as a purely logical appear. Pathos Pathos describes the appeal to emotion. According to Cicero pathos should be used at the conclusion of an oration although this is not usually the case because emotions appeals are widely viable. Aristotles rhetoric has a lot of discussion of how emotions are affected, providing the kinds of responses expressed by different demographic groups(Granger, 2007). This portrays a close relation between pathos assessment and the audience. Pathos also helps us to clearly understand how rhetoric is psychological. Criticism of rhetoric mostly focuses on pathos overemphasis, emotion, but not logos which represents the message. Hermans speech to his audience at Olympic Centennial Park managed to stir up the twenty members audience, much enough to influence their minds towards considering his policies as the most real. He describes Obamas leadership as one full of rhetorics and empty promises which are not practical. He also uses figures to demonstrate how the current administration has failed in dealing with the most urgent issues. He states that there is a nine percent unemployment rate, with nearly fifteen million jobless people, forty seven millions on food stamps, the increased gas prices, and a failed strenuous budget to stimulate the economy. Most of the places they are speaking have significance to why they are speaking there. By addressing a large crowd of an enthusiastic audience at the Olympic Centennial Park, Harman create an ample atmosphere to air his opinions. This group is positive to his thinking and easy to convince using figures, derived methods and statistics. He termed the venue as a victory ground where men goes to seek victory. He relates this ground with the expected American victory with his administration. This achieves rhetoric objectives in creating a speech that is well achieved by a responsive audience. Major Findings This method of launching his quest is very effective, and its objectives are well achieved. By applying rhetorical principles, Herman Cain created a very appropriate platform to launch his political ambition and it was well achieved. His message was well received by his well persuaded audience making it one of the most successful speeches. By using facts and applying objectives rhetoric theory, he achieves his intended purpose of his speech. In rhetorics, the speech and the speaker are the most important element in a successive rhetoric process. This case study also demonstrates the effectiveness of use of facts and illustrations in giving speech. This case also teaches how constructs, ethos, pathos and logos (persuasive appeals/ modes of persuasion) are achieved in a well-structured rhetoric case. Buy custom Common Sense Solutions essay

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Change in vc startups in recent years essays

Change in vc startups in recent years essays The Change in VC startups in recent years. During the prosperous internet boom of the late nineties venture capitalists threw their money at the young entrepreneurs and their internet startups. The older and more experienced entrepreneurs and their more traditional business outlook were thought to be old and outdated. The internet startups were seen as the seeds of change in a new economy. Perhaps they were, but an unforeseen downfall in the E-conomy has changed all that. In the past two years that bias has changed venture capitalists have reset their values once again looking to older more experienced entrepreneurs, or ones who have already made the mistakes and learned from them. You throw away the ones who are new to this experience and you are more likely to get a good business plan. -Jesse Reyes of Venture Economics. Statistically, the age of start up founding teams has gone way up. Venture Capitalists are looking for business plans that will outlive the short term. Especially in this economy, seeing that in the internet boom mistakes could be made and the market could carry you forward. The pad of the forward spiraling market is no longer there. Therefore the new startups would be, Jumping without a net. Investors see this and wont take the risk with a young new entrepreneur who hasnt experienced the pitfalls that some of the older ones have. A bright young guy might have the drive, and passion, but he lacks the seasoned view about how not to get trapped by going down a rat hole. Weve been there and done that. Said, Ralph Cognac who launched Integrated Telecom Express which went public in 2000. Ralph, 59, along with Jim Kubinec, 63, and Rich Forte, 60, just launched RFco. (A radio frequency chip producer located in Los Gatos.) Together they received $16.5 million from investors who saw them as a secure investment. In conclusion, wise venture capitalists and inv...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Bio u4gp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bio u4gp - Essay Example Also contained in the digestive tract is a layer of muscle that helps in the process of breaking down food (The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2008). In addition to the aforementioned hollow digestive organs, there are also solid organs that produce or store digestive juices to aid in the digestive process. These solid organs are the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. The liver and pancreas produce digestive fluids that travel to the intestine via ducts. The liver’s digestive juices are stored in the gallbladder until the intestine needs them. Also, there are parts in the nervous and circulatory system that play serious parts in the overall digestive process (The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 2008). Also according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, â€Å"When you eat foods—such as bread, meat, and vegetables—they are not in a form that the body can use as nourishment. Food and drink must be changed into smaller molecules of nutrients before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried to cells throughout the body. Digestion is the process by which food and drink are broken down into their smallest parts so the body can use them to build and nourish cells and to provide energy.† According to Merck (2008, pg. 1), â€Å"Although an organ has a specific function, organs also function as part of a group, called an organ system. The organ system is the organizational unit by which medicine is studied, diseases are generally categorized, and treatments are planned.† The organ systems within the human body include the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, skin, musculoskeletal, blood, digestive, endocrine, urinary, male reproductive, and female reproductive systems. Organ systems do not function by themselves. Instead, they work with each other to accomplish tasks that are needed for the human organism to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Computer Use and Copyright Policies and Regulations Research Paper

Computer Use and Copyright Policies and Regulations - Research Paper Example Every single organization, educational institutes and businesses using computers has introduced certain policies and regulatory measures to keep the computer usage under control. The computer usage policy ideally defines certain goals and principals of the organization with respect to the computer systems. The basic principles that the policies are based upon are essentially the beliefs of the organisation like ethics, morality, values and philosophy. Generally every organization has a written set of rules also known as the Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP). These form a core part of the information technology security procedures and define what a user must do or not. It also in clear and concise manner defines the penalties that might be implemented if a user does not comply with the rules. Regular audits within the organizations ensure the compliance of the AUPs. The most important segment in every AUP is the code of conduct that regulates and controls the behaviour of a user while at work. It defines how one should conduct oneself while using the internet, permissible languages, prevent activities that might cause harm to the organization or any colleague, and ensure that there is complete data security and privacy. (Office of Information Technology, 2010). The AUP also defines the consequences that one might face incase the policies are violated or not adhered to. Non-compliance to the policies can lead to termination, suspension, or dismissal from educational institutes. There is another important factor apart from the computer usage policy that is relevant to most organizations and educational institutes; that being the copyright policy. Copyright is defined as exclusive rights granted by the Government to the creator or builder of something original and unique. (Quarterman, 1986). It prohibits anyone else from copying, imitating or using the contents for any other purpose, other than for what it was created or conceived. Organizations and institutes using co mputer technology incorporate the copyright policy as well to protect their work, study material, thesis etc. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that they comply with the copyright laws and restrictions while using resources on the internet, journals or accessing databases. The copyright policy prohibits users from making copies of copyrighted material or software, non-compliance of which can lead to fatal outcomes. Both policies are equally important in any organization or educational institutes to maintain sanctity of work and data privacy, while permitting the employees and students to perform their duties properly. Institutes incorporating Computer Usage Policy American University (AU) established at Washington in the early 18th century remains a prestigious university. Moving along with changing time and period, it has ensured it remained in sync with the modern technologies and along with everything else, has incorporated the computer usage policy. The policy res tricts individuals from accessing any account, file or software that they don’t have the authorization for. All staff and students are given network access privileges, with unique access codes, that allow them to access all resources like the library, research materials, systems, networks and registered software’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Business Task 2 on reflection Essay Example for Free

Business Task 2 on reflection Essay UAE otherwise known as United Arab Emirates is amalgamation of 7 Emirates namely Umm Al, Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah, Ajman, Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Fujairah. UAE is the second biggest Arabian Middle East economy. The United Arab Emirates is the number 3 biggest in this region in crude oil exporting, following Iran and Saudi Arabia. It possesses the number 6 biggest recognized conservative crude oil reverse and the 5th biggest natural gas reserves. The swift growth in demand of water and electricity has generated the necessity to appraise unconventional power generation sources. In the year 2008, the United Arabs Emirates produced energy white paper on study of energy that confirmed that nuclear power to be environmentally friendly and safe alternative which would increment the prevailing plants of power in accomplishing increasing energy requirements. 2.1 Objective of this study accomplishment                The objective of this study of examining whether ownership structure matters for the performance of firms in United Arabs Emirates was achieved. Empirical evidence suggests that privately held firms tend to be more efficient and more profitable than publicly held firms. This shows that ownership structure matters. The question now is how does it affect firm performance? This question is very important because it is based on a research agenda that has been strongly promoted by La Porta et al. (1998; 1999; 2000). According to these studies, failure of the legislative framework to provide sufficient protection for external investors, entrepreneurs and founding investors of a company tend will maintain large positions in their firms thus resulting in a concentrated ownership structure.                  This paper aimed at looking at whether ownership structure has an impact on firm performance in UAE. This region has witnessed significant economic growth over the last few decades. The region is also facing turbulent times with respect to corporate governance practices, resulting in poor firm performance. Corporate governance issues are not limited to the Gulf region. From a global point of view, corporate governance has witnessed significant transformations over the last decade (Gomez and Korine, 2005).                The data that is used in this study includes 362 non-financial listed firms during the period of 2006-2011 from Thomson one banker,, DataStream and annual report. Panel data is used to analyse the impact of ownership structure on firm performance number of independent directors on the board are controlled for. The different types of ownership structure that are included in the study are: managerial ownership, family ownership, government ownership, institution ownership, foreign ownership and concentrated ownership. Evidence personal learning and development 1.0 Effects of structure on firm performance                  It is indisputable, managerial ownership, Chairman own share, institutional investors, corporate total own, institutional owner domestic and corporate foreign all have positive effects on firm performance. The evidence is also consistent with theoretical and empirical arguments. On the contrary, When Return on Assets (ROA) is used as a measure of performance; the evidence shows that government ownership has negative effects on firm performance in United Arab of Emirates oil firms. Therefore, performance of United Arab of Emirates oil companies is affected by government ownership.                  The relationship between performance and ownership structure also differs for firm specific variables such as leverage, GDP growth and firm size. When the Tobin’s Q is used, the relationship is negative for leverage, GDP growth and firm size. The negative and significant impact of firm size on firm performance when Tobin’s Q is used can be attributed to the fact that large firms have limited investment opportunities, which limit their potential to grow and make profit. Surprisingly, the impact of GDP growth is significantly negative. However, when ROA is used, we did not find any significant relationship with firm performance in United Arab of Emirates oil firms.                   This study also shows that there may be a necessity to motivate policy makers of United Arab of Emirates oil firms to ensure that banks practice the mechanisms of corporate governance effectively. This practice should be compatible for the business environment of United Arab of Emirates oil firms, whereas adopting the same governance standards in order to ensure unification of disclosure level among the banks. It is expected that the best practice of the corporate governance characteristics will contribute to improve efficiency, effectiveness and monitoring in the Islamic banks of UAE. Therefore, this can only be applied by developing the regulatory and compelling frameworks.                  In the last 4 decades, researchers have believed that there is a connection between the firm performance and the ownership structure. In this regards, there has been publications of many studies on different markets to inspect this relationship. This connection between performance and ownership structure dates back to empirical study of Mean and Berle in the year 1932 that got that the weakness of shareholding in a negative way influence the performance of affirm via an inverse relationship. Generally, the number of well-developed policies and the present legal systems are poorly developed in the markets that are emerging. These new markets, according to most analysis studies, lack protection for their creditors and shareholders (La Porta, 1999). 2.0 Ownership structure in relation to firm performance                  The issue as to whether ownership structure matters for the performance of firms has been an important subject of debate in the finance literature. Empirical evidence suggests that privately held firms tend to be more efficient and more profitable than publicly held firms. This shows that ownership structure matters. The question now is how does it affect firm performance? This question is very important because it is based on a research agenda that has been strongly promoted by most researchers in economics. According to these studies, failure of the legislative framework to provide sufficient protection for external investors, entrepreneurs and founding investors of a company tend will maintain large positions in their firms thus resulting in a concentrated ownership structure. This finding is interesting because it implies that ownership structure can affect the performance of the firm in one way or the other. It is indisputable; the lack of regulations in corporate governance gives managers who intend to mishandle the flow of cash for their own personal interest a low control level. The empirical results from the past studies of impacts of ownership structure on performance of corporate have been inconclusive and mixed up. References Gomez, P.Y. Korine, H. 2005, Democracy and the Evolution of Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance, 13, 739-752. La Porta, R., L. et al. 1999, Corporate ownership around the world. The Journal of Finance, 54(2), 471–517. Source document

Friday, November 15, 2019

The History of the Australian Penal Colonies :: Essays Papers

The History of the Australian Penal Colonies Abel Magwitch was one of the two acquitted criminals in Dickens' Great Expectations. The convicts in this novel were sent to either Newgate prison or shipped to Australia where they were placed in penal settlements. Magwitch was sent to New South Wales for his connections with Compeyson (the other convict) and was sentenced on felony charges of swindling and forgery. Convicts sent to penal settlements suffered the same abuse that slaves were exposed to. The difference lies in the fact that these men and women were in these settlements because of crimes committed such as pickpocketing and murder. Such settlements were New South Wales, Van Dieman's Land, Devil's Island, and Botany Bay, to name a few. In fact, "Botany Bay meant convicts and was looked upon merely as the fit receptacle of national crime" (Inglis 4). Convicts were sent to these settlements as a way to curb the number of felons in the British Isles. Settlements created a place to live and work in order to change or correct the character of the convict. During the nineteenth century, convicts made up most of the population of Australia with a mere fraction of actual free emigrants. The Australian penal settlements helped to develop a new penal theory as well as different view of Australia. By looking at the journey of the convicts, their service, jobs, authorities, punishment, and freedom, we will be able to understand the complicated theory of penal ideas and the plight of Magwitch, Pip's convict. Many convicts began their servitude during transportation. Convicts entered upon what some call a "repressive penal system" through a long oversea journey (Connah 50). The problem with this journey was that "no vessel was specially designed and built as a convict ship" (Batesan 68). This would make the transportation of convicts difficult. These were the kind of ships that Pip saw at the Hulks waiting to take prisoners or waiting to find them in order to continue on their journey, just as they had waited for Compeyson and Magwitch. Often, transportation of convicts was called "convictism"; convicts were thrown on a boat and spent many days in waiting (Inglis 12). Usually the voyage "took eight months, six of them at sea and two in ports for supplies and repairs" (Inglis 6). Often, many convicts died along the way. The case of the Second Fleet in the very beginning of transportation "was the worst in the history of transportation" (O'Brien 168).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Physics Lost Insulation

Why loft insulation is needed? Loft insulation is the most cost-effective energy efficiency measure that can be installed. It can reduce heating costs up to 20%. The purpose of them is to hold the heat below within the property, reducing heat loss to the roof void and outside but also reducing the amount of heating needed to maintain the property at an ideal temperature. With insulation, the property will be warmer, more comfortable and it will cost less to heat. How loft insulation reduces heat loss? Heat will always flow from a warm area to a cold one.The colder it is outside, the faster heat from your home will escape into surrounding air. Glass fibre is laid across the loft to reduce heat transfer out of the roof. Glass fibre traps air and trapped air is a poor conductor therefore reduces heat transfer from the ceiling to the loft by convection and conduction. How the thicknesses of the loft insulation affect heat loss? As you increase the level of insulation in the loft, it will slow the rate of heat loss and maintain the comfortable temperature for longer.Installing 290mm thick insulation can save up to approximately 20%, compared to thin insulation which is only 14% The pay back time is long term Generally, loft insulation cuts loft’s u value rom around 2. 3 (for an uninsulated loft) to 0. 16 W/m2K, a reduction of around 95%. A more specific example is sheep wool. It shows for sheep wool over 140mm, it has a U value of 0. 16 compared to over 250mm, it has a U value of 0. 11 showing how thickness can affect heat loss greatly.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Killer Angels

â€Å"The Killer Angels† written by Michael Shaara in 1974, published by Ballantine Books, is a story showing the courage and heroism of people involved in the Battle of Gettysburg that took place in 1863. The novel presents the battle in an objective manner, and does not take sides when displaying the position of the two armies on the subject of slavery. It is an outstanding book and is worth reading due to the presence of real characters. In other words, the characters have been brought to life and the audience not only gets to learn about the battle itself, but also about the views and opinions of the participants.One of the most interesting methods is how Shaara presents the narrative through the viewpoints of army personnel, which makes the events come to life. The results are well rounded characters, detailed imagery, and an objectivity that didn’t label either side as the hero. Michael Shaara first developed a passion for writing when he was in grade school. Afte r graduation, Shaara joined the armed forces where he served as a paratrooper for the 82nd Airborne Division, a seaman, and police officer.In 1951, he graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelor's degree and continued his educational process by engaging in some graduate work at Columbia University and the University of Vermont. After publishing many science fiction novels Shaara begin to take on larger project such as writing war novels. In The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, vivid imagery, details, and insightful character development reveal the differences between the Union army and the Confederacy. These two armies have different causes for fighting, but the main cause for the war is slavery.This key issue sparked the war. The Confederacy is fighting for independence from the North, yet the Union is fighting for freedom and an end to slavery. The thesis of this novel in my opinion reads as, although we are soldiers that are highly trained and motivated war still is a const ant struggle in our everyday lives and the lives of our families. War is never easy and we engage in this job for the loyalty, courage, selfless service, duty, honor, integrity and personal courage to stand and protect this place we call home.The main point isn’t primarily focused on displaying the soldiers’ reasons for fighting the war, but Shaara wants to focus on the soldiers as individuals and how they cope with the stress of being in a war zone. At times, history books show the impact from such an objective point of view that the experience itself isn’t made easily understood by students or readers. Shaara gives life to the events and allows the audience to emotionally engage with individuals  involved in it by the arrangement of his powerful words.Providing us with a more personalized understanding of a war from which we are otherwise removed. The main values that Shaara personally incorporated was Selfless Service he took it upon himself to write at boo k specifically detailed to highlight a soldier’s point of view. Honor is another value outlined by Shaara the way that he states how the officers talk to the soldiers and explain how they can make a difference not only in the community that they live but in the world shows that both parties exhibit honor to be viewed as soldier whether union or confederate.Personally, I agree with the thesis outlined by this author because you never read in the history books or gain an understanding of the aspects of the soldier, the strain that they undergo or the risks that they take that can impact their lives. They do all of this not by placing self first, but the welfare of you the people. I understand because being a soldier is not easy you not only impact your self but the love ones around you, it really does take one dedicated individual to engage in this job as a soldier.

Friday, November 8, 2019

D-Day Success or disaster essays

D-Day Success or disaster essays D-Day, Success or Disaster Twenty years after the end of the First World War a man named Adolph Hitler of Germany began a Second World War. On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland, which had a treaty with France and England to protect them. The English, French and Polish were all unprepared to fight, and as a result were beaten terribly. By the next spring France had been totally taken by the Germans. While Germany and there allies, Italy, controlled all of the western part of Europe. England, France and now America had to figure a way to take the control of Europe again. There decision was to try and storm a beach in Normandy France. It would be one of the bloodiest war battles in U.S. History. This storming of Omaha Beach would be a success because even though the allies lost a lot of men, they still were able to take the beach, which led them to take the continent. This was the beginning of the end for Hitler and his Nazis. Hitler and his partners, Japan and Italy, made many m istakes, which opened the door for the allied forces to make this operation possible. Germanys big mistake was that Hitler had assembled a massive naval fleet to try and invade England. Hitlers thinking was that if he did try to go against one of the greatest naval fleets in the world that he would not be able to get it done. He also realized that the British would anything to stop a German invasion. So Hitler delayed and eventually cancelled the attack. Even if he had lost the invasion into England, he could have at least damaged the British navy. His partner, Italy, had brought in northern Africa, and Japan brought the US in when they not only bombed the navy base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, but also hit other U.S. possessions like the Philippians. Now that the U.S. was in the war, Germany had its hands full. The allies kept planning a time when they could go ashore and take control of France again. In the summer of 1942 Britain and Canada actuall...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Reasons You Can Be Denied a Firearm Transfer

Reasons You Can Be Denied a Firearm Transfer Since the passage of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, anyone who purchases a firearm in the United States must submit to a background check to determine if they are eligible to buy and possess a gun. Licensed gun dealers must check each person who tries to buy a firearm through the FBIs National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). When a prospective buyer wants to purchase a firearm, they must first provide the dealer with photo identification and a completed Firearms Transaction Record, or Form 4473. If the buyer answers yes to any of the questions on Form 4473, the dealer is required to deny the sale. It is a felony,  punishable by up to five years in prison, to lie when completing the form. If the buyer qualifies, the dealer will then request a NICS check. The NICS has three business days to either approve or deny the sale. If the three days pass without a NICS determination, then the dealer can process the sale of the firearm (depending on local laws) or wait until the NICS responds. On average, only about one percent of firearms transfers are denied by the NICS system, mainly because most convicted criminals already know they are not eligible to own a gun. Prohibitive Criteria for Firearm Transfers Under federal law, there are specific reasons that a firearm transfer can be denied. If you have had a firearm transfer denied, it is because you or someone else with a similar name or descriptive features has ever been: Convicted of a felonyConvicted in any court of a crime which is  punishable by a term of more than one year or a misdemeanor punishable by more than two years. This is the number one reason why requests for firearm transfers are denied.Indicted for a crime punishable by more than one yearA fugitive from justiceA user of illegal drugs or an addictInvoluntarily committed to a mental institutionAn illegal alienDishonorably discharged from the armed forcesRenounced your U.S. citizenshipSubject to a restraining order for threatening a family memberConvicted of domestic violenceUnder an  indictment, but not convicted, of a crime carrying a possible year-long prison sentence State Prohibitions The NCIS can also deny a firearm transfer based on any applicable state laws. For example, if your state has a law prohibiting the possession of a specific type of firearm, the NICS can deny your transfer even though possession of that firearm is not prohibited by federal law. The Brady Law was designed to make sure that only law-abiding citizens can purchase and own firearms, but critics claim that the law only created a huge black-market demand for illegal guns sales to criminals. NCIS Accuracy In September 2016 the Department of Justices Office of the Inspector General performed an audit to check the FBIs quality control of NICS transactions. They selected 447 denied transactions and found that only one transaction was incorrectly denied, which resulted in a 99.8 percent accuracy rate. Next, the auditors looked at records that the FBI had denied the transaction within three business days. Out of 306 records chosen randomly, 241 were processed by the FBI appropriately. However, six of the transactions were denied internally by the FBI, but the denial was not communicated to the dealers from one day to more than seven months after the denial. Auditors also found 59 transactions which the FBI approved, but should have denied. The FBI’s quality control checks caught and corrected 57 of these errors as a part of its internal controls. Appealing a Firearm Transfer Denial If you try to purchase a gun and you  receive a firearms transfer denial during the background check, you  can appeal that denial if you do not meet any of the above criteria and you believe a mistake has been made. Approximately, one percent of firearms transfers are denied and many times it because of mistaken identity or incorrect records at NICS. Therefore, many firearms transfer denial appeals are successful. Source U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Criminal Justice Information Services Division. Guide for Appealing a Firearm Transfer Denial.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Managing change implementation for B&B Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Managing change implementation for B&B - Essay Example There are competitive advantages that benchmarking provides, alongside setting a company on a path to growth and industry success. To initiate a change that would enable Kynance House to provide meaningful competition to industry giants like Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse, benchmarking will involve looking into the aspects of the business in which the latter excels. Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse is first of all situated in a strategic place just outside the city centre, and also near tourist attractions. Business location is important and determines performance in many cases, but that shouldn’t worry Kynance House much to the point of wanting to relocate to a different location. It would be one of the costliest moves. What Kynance needs to do is to observe Imperial guesthouse in terms of how it carries out business and its prioritized investments. It really wouldn’t be necessary to adopt every single practice observed at Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse. The greatest benefit that Kynance House should derive from benchmarking with Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse is to learn the art of the business. It gives a picture of how to best conduct the business. Kynance should then decide if it wants to better those practices or pursue them as they are. To initiate a change to would make Kynance House competitive alongside B & B industry giants such as Imperial Plymouth, the management should recognize the fact that money must be spent to get more money. Some of the practices at Imperial Plymouth Guesthouse are cost-effective; quite a sum of money would be spent to get some of the structures in place. Initial spending, however big, would be an obligation, not a choice. Customer’s complaints revolve around some of the things Imperial Plymouth excels in. The management must make all the necessary adjustments if it needs to maintain customers and attract

Friday, November 1, 2019

Psychological Approaches Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Psychological Approaches - Essay Example Thus, controlled variables like the conditions of the testing environment and the health of the applicant should be considered before administering the exam. However, these are not commonly given much attention by the HR department or the company who’s administering the test to measure the capability of the examiner. Therefore, validity of exams may not be high. Still exams are considered to get the profile of the applicant and sometimes its result is correlated or validated with the result of the interview conducted by the selection committees. As mentioned, what is mostly considered in the profiles generated by personality assessment measures the capabilities and preferences of the individual. The cognitive aspect affects a part of the person’s profile and thus may vary with other individuals. How and why they differ can be understood by reviewing the cognitive development as well as personality development of a subject. Cognitive psychology is the school of psychology that examines internal mental processes such as problem solving, memory, and language (Wikipedia 2006). It aims to understand the mental processes in problem solving and how one comes out with a decision in response to certain situations. It acknowledges the scientific method as a valid mental process compared to introspection. Jean Piagett (1896), a cognitive psychologist, explained that the Cognitive development of children involves changes in cognitive process and abilities. In Piaget’s view, early cognitive development involves processes based upon actions and later progresses into changes in mental operations. She explained that a schema includes both a category of knowledge and the processes of obtaining knowledge. Children experiences situations and understand the situation, pleasing or not, and stores information derived from that experience. The schema changes as new experiences were